Health Minister, Dr Zweli Mkhize, has been appointed as the chairperson of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Elimination 8 Ministers of Health Council.
The Elimination Eight (E8) is a coalition of eight countries working across national borders to eliminate malaria in southern Africa by 2030.
The Minister was elected as the new chair during the SADC E8 Health Ministers’ meeting, which took place today.
The E8, which is the malaria response arm of the SADC, aims to end the deadly disease.
According to the E8, the attainment of malaria elimination requires bold and decisive policy action to prioritise national resources, to engage in diplomatic negotiation and negotiate terms of data sharing with neighbouring countries.
The council is also bolstering the introduction of innovative and progressive technologies that will make malaria elimination possible.
The Health Ministers and newly appointed chairperson will host a webinar on SADC Malaria Day 2020 (6 November) at 9am.
The event aims to create awareness about malaria and mobilise the community to participate in malaria control programmes.
Communities are mobilised through health education to recognise signs and symptoms of malaria, provide more home-based treatment, seek treatment when they become ill, and use personal protective measures.
The event will host special guest, E8 ambassador Dr Richard Kamwi, and leading malaria experts.