Visit by South African municipalities to Canada (29 January – 2 February 2018)
A delegation from Ndlambe Local Municipality and Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality supported by the South Africa Local Government Association (SALGA) are on a working visit to Canada during 29 January – 2 February 2018 to discuss the Building Inclusive Green Municipalities (BIGM) programme. Ndlambe and the City of Ottawa are partners on the programme. The BIGM is programme delivered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities in conjunction with SALGA and aims to improve the capacity of South African municipal governments to support effective service delivery, inclusive local green economic growth and enhanced climate change mitigation and adaptation measures. In the pictures, the delegation – joined by Ms Tanya Sefolo: Chargè d’ Affaires a.i. – is taken on an exclusive tour of the water treatment and waste water facility at Lemieux Island Water Purification Plant.
Visit of Portfolio Committee on International Relations
The South African Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on International Relations, chaired by the Honourable Moses Masango, MP, paid a courtesy call on H. E. High Commissioner Sibongiseni Dlamini-Mntambo during the Committee’s official visit to Canada.
Delegation 2018
Delegation 2017