The touching film has won seven international awards so far, including Best International Feature at the 2021 Idyllwild International Festival of Cinema and Best Narrative Feature at both the Motion Pictures International Film Festival and The Reel Sisters Of The Diaspora Festival in 2020.
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Celebrating Global Entrepreneurship Week
The South African High Commissioner to Canada, Ms Sibongiseni Dlamini-Mntambo will be giving an address at the pre-launch for women in Tourism in Africa, organised by the Circle of Global Business Women to celebrate global entrepreneurship week through tourism value.
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S.A. is developing plans to enable a just move to net zero. Our electricity sector, which contributes 41% of our greenhouse-gas emissions, will be the first phase. We will also pursue green industrialisation opportunities such as electric vehicles and fuel cell production that stimulate job creation and economic growth.
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Bold and ambitious actions are required from all countries to confront climate change and South Africa has consistently argued that developed economies must support a just transition in developing economies.
Continue readingCanada vows to donate 200M COVID vaccines
Canada’s Prime Minister promised at the G20 Summit to donate at least 200 million COVID vaccine doses by the end of 2022, of which 10 million doses will be delivered “quickly” to developing countries.
Continue readingBig moves for Toyota SA
The automotive sector has remained one of SA’s most investment-intensive industrial sectors with 7 light-vehicle producers investing a record R9.2 billion in 2020, awhile the component sector attracted R2.4 billion during the same period.
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