Critical / Exceptional skills work visa

  • Complete and sign form DHA-1738 in black ink. NB: Do not print double sided.
  • Print Critical checklist and attach with the requirements. NB: Do not print double sided.
  • Original Passport that expires no less than 30 days after the expiry of your intended departure from South Africa.
  • Proof of your status in Canada if you are not a citizen like work, student, permanent resident.
  • Original completed medical report form stamped and signed by the medical practitioner. NO scans or photocopies will be accepted. Medical report are valid for 6 months from date of issue.
  • 2 identical passport photos with white background (Canada passport size is acceptable).
  • Original fingerprinted police clearance report from all countries you have lived for 12 months or more in the last 5 years to date before applying for this visa. NO copies or scans please. Police report are valid for 6 months from date of issue . Name and date of birth reports will not be accepted at all.
  • Valid offer of employment or a contract signed by both employer and applicant indicating your position, start date and perks including conditions of employment.
  • Proof of company registration of business in South Africa (CIPC certificate)
  • Proof of registration with South African revenue Services (SARS certificate)
  • Proof that the applicant falls within the critical skills category by specifically selecting one occupation/critical skill for which the application is being made. The occupation/critical skill must be on the latest Critical Skills List. Selection must be done with a black pen.
  • Official Letters/ Contract of Employment from South Africa can only be signed by South African citizens or Permanent Residents only. Permanent residents must also attach copy of their PR certificate with their ID copy. Certified documents are valid for 6 months from date they are stamped.
  • Official signed letter from employer on letterhead stating the following written Undertakings:
    • Ensure that the passport of his or her employer is always valid for the duration of his or her employment
    • Accepting responsibility for the cost related to the deportation of the applicants and his or her dependent family members, should it become necessary
    • Inform the Director-general, should the applicant mot comply with the provisions of the Act, or conditions of the visa and;
    • Inform the Director General upon the employee no longer being in the employ of such employer or when he or she is employed in a different capacity or role (using same visa when there is change of position or duties is unlawful)
  • Confirmation, in writing, from a relevant professional body, council or board recognised by SAQA in terms of section 13(1)(0 of the National Qualifications Framework Act, or by any relevant government Department confirming the skills or qualifications of the applicant and appropriate post qualification experience.
  • If required by law, proof of application for a certificate of registration with the professional body, council or board recognised by SAQA in terms of section 13(1)(i) of the National Qualifications Framework Act. (Not required for Senior University Lecturers).
  • Proof of accommodation: example a hotel booking or AirBnB.
  • If staying at a person’s house: Personal invitations should be signed and stamped at police station together with the id copy. Utility bill should be attached to proof residence. Permanent residents should also attach a copy of the PR certificate as well as their id copy. Any other person that is not a citizen must provide proof of valid status inside South Africa. Certified documents are valid for 6 months from date they are stamped.
  • Flight itinerary is required. This is not the same as a bought ticket. It is free from any Travel site. We need it printed and attached to application.
  • 3 months bank statement reflecting applicant name. no scratching or writing notes on the statement.
  • Passport cannot be collected in person. Please include one of the following:
    • Self-addressed Express envelope from Canada post OR
    • Prepaid courier label.
  • A critical skills work visa shall be issued for a period not exceeding five years at a time. In the case of an application where the outcome of an evaluation of foreign qualifications by SAQA is not yet available and the applicant submits proof of application to SAQA, the critical skills work visa shall be issued for a period of one year and will subsequently be extended to the full term provided that the applicant submits a positive outcome of foreign qualifications evaluated by SAQA within one year.
  • For all Corporate General Manager (CGM) and Director occupations, check the additional requirements in Table 10 of the Critical Skills Technical Report available on
  • University Lecturers must specify the classification of education subject matter as per Annexure 2 of the Critical Skills Technical Report available on
  • Engineering applicants, and others similarly graded in the occupations listed above, who are registered as a “Candidate” with a professional body recognized by SAQA, will qualify for a critical skills work visa provided that they meet all other requirements and that, upon receipt of the critical skills work visa, they will be working under the supervision of a qualified professional.
  • All supporting documents will be verified, including employment and qualifications. While optional, the submission of a MIE Report will assist with verification.
  • Whenever it appears to the Director-General that a visa or permanent residence permit was acquired through misrepresentation or fraud, he or she shall withdraw the visa or permanent residence permit and, where applicable, cause criminal charges to be laid against all parties implicated in the misrepresentation or fraud.
  • The applicant is personally responsible for all supporting documents submitted with the application.
  • Print and sign the use of personal information consent form.