Fee: C $115.00 (effective from 01 NOV 2022)
- Collect the documents listed under basic requirements.
- The foreigner’s contract of employment with the company abroad valid for a period of not less than 6 months.
- A letter from the international concern confirming that the foreigner will be transferred to a branch/affiliated South African company;
- A letter from the South African company confirming the transfer of such foreigner from the parent/affiliated company abroad, as well as specifying the occupation and capacity in which the foreigner will be employed, and that maximum duration will not exceed four years;
- An undertaking from the employer to defray deportation and other costs should such foreigner fail to depart when no longer allowed to sojourn SA;
- A plan is developed for the transfer of skills to a South African citizen or permanent resident. Transfer of skills project plan shall be signed by both employee and employer in South Africa and it must have specific time frames reflecting when you plan to start to transfer the skills to a South African citizen or permanent resident and the skills to be transferred.
- The foreigner shall be employed in the position for which the permit was issued.
- Include Proof of company registration of the Business with CIPC (companies and Intellectual property Commission) and Certificate of good standing with SARS
- Official Letters/ Contract of Employment from South Africa can only be signed by South African citizens and Permanent Residents only.
- Fee is CAN $115.00 paid by money order or certified cheque to the South African Consulate General in Toronto. No cash, please. No personal cheque, please.